Michael “Mike” Pauloski
Served 1950-1972
Michael “Mike” Pauloski was obviously a very bright young Policeman with a great future ahead of him. He was also a strong member of the Hamilton Shriner’s Club. Much of this information came from an Article in the Hamilton Spectator dated September 7, 1972.
He was married to Sally, they had a son Richard and they lived in Ancaster. Much of this information came from an Article in the Hamilton Spectator dated September 7, 1972.
Mike was such a stalwart Officer that he had been assigned to the secretive “Intelligence Squad” which dealt with Organized Crime in all its many iterations. He was clearly successful in that position because he was already a Lieutenant in the Squad.
Somehow through the Shriners or through his work, he learned that two members of the Zambia Police were attending the Ontario Police College in Aylmer Ontario, taking a Police Administration Course.
Mike decided that they should see a Canadian Football Game while they were in this country. He invited them to come and stay with him and his family in Ancaster.
That fateful day the family and the two Zambian Officers Robinson Chibumbi and Lucas Mulenga, drove down to Civic Stadium in downtown Hamilton to watch a Hamilton Ti-Cat football game. When the game was over, they headed out together in the family car to Ancaster.
On Upper James Street, a driver travelling in the opposite direction crossed the centre line of the road and struck them “head-on”. Both people in the other vehicle died. Mike and Robinson Chibumbi also both died. This was that awful time before seatbelts became mandatory.
Sally and her son Richard Pauloski were taken to Hospital along with the other Zambian Officer, Lucas Mulenga and thankfully they survived.
“High-ranking officers of the OPP and policemen from municipal forces across Ontario were in attendance at the funeral along with representatives of three levels of government.”
“Three policemen and three Shriners acted as pall-bearers. Honorary pallbearers included Mayor Vic Copps, Judges Theo McCombs and Walter Tuchtie, Police Chief Leonard Lawrence and city clerk Ed Simpson”.
After his death, the Shriners issued a Commemorative Coin in his name.
By Dave Bowen, Retired Inspector, Hamilton Police Service
Hamilton Police Historical Society & Museum, 314 Wilson Street East, Ancaster, Ontario, L9G 2B9
905-648-6404 ~ hpshistorian@gmail.com
Mailing Address: 155 King William Street, Hamilton, Ontario L8R 1A7